Legacy API (V1) Still Active At This Stage

The previous (V1) API is still active for legacy purposes but it is recommended users migrate to the new V2 API version - though it still remains technically in BETA status the V2 API is considered stable.

If required, documentation for the old (V1) API is available here.

V2 Summary

This page provides basic documentation on using the CoinSpot API.

To use this API you need to generate an API key. You can generate an API key from the API page after logging in to your account at: https://www.coinspot.com.au/my/api. Please note that you must be a registered customer to use the API except for the Public API - registering is free and only takes a minute, you can register here.

Important things to note
All requests and responses will be JSON format
All response date and time values will be in UTC format e.g. 2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z
All requests will be made with the GET method for the Public API and POST method for all other API requests.
All requests will return a 200 http status code if successful, any other status code received indicates request failure and a message value in the response will describe the issue encountered.
Requests are limited to 1000 requests per minute.

The endpoint for the Public API is https://www.coinspot.com.au/pubapi/v2
The endpoint for the API is https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2

Read Only API
There is also a Read Only API available, you can read the documentation for the read only API here.
The endpoint for the Read Only API is https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro

Example error response

All errors returned will contain an error status and a message that describes the issue encountered

   "message":"Coin not found"


The API is secured by using a shared secret key to create a HMAC with the SHA512 cryptographic hash function. Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) is a mechanism for calculating a message authentication code involving a hash function in combination with a secret key. This can be used to verify the integrity and authenticity of a a message.

All requests to the POST API requests will need to include the following security data.


key - Your API key generated from the settings page
sign - The POST data is to be signed using your secret key according to HMAC-SHA512 method.

Post Params

nonce - Any integer value which must always be greater than the previous requests nonce value.


We currently have a node.js SDK, if you are interested in getting an SDK in another language please contact us

node.js - https://www.npmjs.org/package/coinspot-api

Latest Prices






status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
prices - array of objects with one set of properties for each coin with latest buy and sell prices, non aud markets are symbolised by (e.g.) 'btc_usdt'

Example response


Latest Coin Prices




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
prices - object with set of properties for coin with latest buy, ask and last prices

Example response


Latest Coin / Market Prices




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - market coin short name, example value 'USDT' (only for available markets)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
prices - object with set of properties for coin with latest buy, ask and last prices

Example response


Latest Buy Price




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
rate - latest buy price for that coin
market - market coin is trading in

Example response

   "market": "BTC/AUD"

Latest Buy Price / Market




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - coin market you wish to use to buy it, example value: USDT' (only for available markets)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
rate - latest buy price for that coin
market - market coin is trading in

Example response

   "market": "BTC/USDT"

Latest Sell Price




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
rate - latest sell price for that coin
market - market coin is trading in

Example response

   "market": "BTC/AUD"

Latest Sell Price / Market




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - coin market you wish to sell it for, example value: 'USDT' (note: only for available markets)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
rate - latest sell price for that coin
market - market coin is trading in

Example response

   "market": "BTC/USDT"

Open Orders By Coin




cointype - the coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - list of top 100 open AUD buy orders for the given coin
sellorders - list of top 100 open AUD sell orders for the given coin

Example response


Open Orders By Coin / Market




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - coin market, example values 'USDT' (note: only for available markets)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - list of top 20 open buy order rates for the given coin / market
sellorders - list of top 20 open sell order rates for the given coin / market

Example response


Completed Orders By Coin




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - list of top 100 completed AUD buy orders for the given coin
sellorders - list of top 100 completed AUD sell orders for the given coin

Example response


Completed Orders By Coin / Market




cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - coin market, example values 'USDT' (note: only for available markets)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - list of top 100 completed buy orders for the given coin / market
sellorders - list of top 100 completed sell orders for the given coin / market

Example response


Full Access Status Check


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /status




status - ok

Example response


My Coin Deposit Address


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/coin/deposit


cointype coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
networks - list of available networks (fields below)

name - network name
network - network type
address - your deposit address for the coin
memo - your memo / tag for the coin (where required)

Example response

   "networks": [
	{"name": "BEP2", "network": "BNB", "address": "bnbabcdef123456abcdef123456", "memo": "123456"},
	{"name": "ERC20", "network": "ETH", "address": "0xabcdef123456abcdef123456", "memo": ""}

Buy Now Quote


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /quote/buy/now


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amount - amount to buy
amounttype - 'coin' or 'aud' - whether the amount above is coin amount or AUD amount


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
rate - rate per specified coin

Example response


Sell Now Quote


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /quote/sell/now


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amount - amount of coins to sell
amounttype - 'coin' or 'aud' - whether the amount below is coin amount or AUD amount


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
rate - rate per specified coin inclusive of fee

Example response


Swap Now Quote


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /quote/swap/now


cointypesell - coin short name you would like to swap, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
cointypebuy - coin short name you wuld like to swap it for, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amount - amount of coins to swap


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
rate - rate per coin swapped exclusive of fee

Example response


Place Market Buy Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/buy


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amount - mount of coins you want to buy, max precision 8 decimal places
rate - rate in market currency (e.g. AUD or USDT) you are willing to pay, max precision 8 decimal places
markettype - (optional, available markets only, default 'AUD') market coin short name to use to buy the coin, example value 'USDT'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
coin - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
market - market used to place buy order for the coin
amount - coin amount that was placed
rate - rate that order was placed at
id - id of buy order created which can be used to cancel the order if desired

Example response

   "market": "BTC/AUD",

Edit Open Market Buy Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/buy/edit


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
id - order id of the target buy order
rate - current rate in market currency (e.g. AUD or USDT) of the open order, max precision 8 decimal places
newrate - proposed rate in market currency (e.g. AUD or USDT) to edit the open order, max precision 8 decimal places


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred

(on success)

updated - true
coin - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
rate - new rate that order has been placed at
newrate - requested rate
amount - coin amount calculated as a result of the rate adjustment
total - total is not adjusted from original order
id - id of the edited buy order (unchanged)

Example response

   "rate": "1234556",
   "newrate": "1234556",
   "total": 1234,
   "updated": true

Place Buy Now Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/buy/now


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amounttype - 'coin' or 'aud' - whether the amount below is coin amount or AUD amount
amount - amount to buy, max precision for coin is 8 decimal places and 2 decimal places for AUD

Note 1: if rate option below is submitted a threshold value must also be submitted
Note 2: buy will occur at current rate not submitted rate

rate - (optional) rate in AUD received from using Buy Now Quote or otherwise
threshold - (optional) 0 to 1000 - buy request will terminate if not within percentage threshold for current rate to vary from submitted rate, max precision for percentage is 8 decimal places

direction - (optional) UP, DOWN, or BOTH (default is UP) - direction the price has moved for the percentage threshold to apply


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
coin - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
market - market used to place buy order for the coin
amount - amount that was bought
total - total amount in market currency

Example response

   "total": 10.234

Place Market Sell Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/sell


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amount - amount of coins you want to sell, max precision 8 decimal places
rate - rate in AUD you are willing to sell for, max precision 8 decimal places
markettype - (optional, available markets only, default 'AUD') market coin short name to use to sell the coin into, example value 'USDT'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
coin - coin short name
market - market used to place sell order for the coin
amount - coin amount that was placed in order
rate - rate that order was placed at
id - id of sell order created which can be used to cancel the order if desired

Example response

   "market": "BTC/AUD",

Edit Open Market Sell Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/sell/edit


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
id - order id of the target sell order
rate - current rate in market currency (e.g. AUD or USDT) of the open order, max precision 8 decimal places
newrate - proposed rate in market currency (e.g. AUD or USDT) to edit the open order, max precision 8 decimal places


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred

(on success)

updated - true
coin - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
rate - new rate that order has been placed at
newrate - requested rate
amount - amount is not adjusted from original order
total - total calculated as a result of the rate adjustment
id - id of the edited sell order (unchanged)

Example response

   "rate": "1234556",
   "newrate": "1234556",
   "amount": 1234,
   "updated": true

Place Sell Now Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/sell/now


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amounttype - 'coin' or 'aud' - whether the amount below is coin amount or AUD amount
amount - amount of coins you want to sell, max precision 8 decimal places

Note 1: if rate option below is submitted a threshold value must also be submitted
Note 2: sell will occur at current rate not submitted rate

rate - (optional) rate in AUD received from using Sell Now Quote or otherwise
threshold - (optional) 0 to 1000 - sell request will terminate if not within percentage threshold for current rate to vary from submitted rate, max precision for percentage is 8 decimal places

direction - (optional) UP, DOWN, or BOTH (default is DOWN) - direction the price has moved for the percentage threshold to apply


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
coin - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
market - market used to place sell order for the coin
amount - amount that was sold
rate - rate that order was placed at
total - total amount in market currency

Example response

   "total": 10.234

Place Swap Now Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/swap/now


cointypesell - coin short name you would like to swap, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
cointypebuy - coin short name you wuld like to swap it for, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amount - amount of (cointypesell) to swap, max precision for coin is 8 decimal places

Note 1: if rate option below is submitted a threshold value must also be submitted
Note 2: swap will occur at current rate not submitted rate

rate - (optional) rate received from using Swap Now Quote or otherwise
threshold - (optional) 0 to 1000 - swap request will terminate if not within percentage threshold for current rate to vary from submitted rate, max precision for percentage is 8 decimal places

direction - (optional) UP, DOWN, or BOTH (default is BOTH) - direction the price has moved for the percentage threshold to apply


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
coin - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
market - coin swapped and and coin it was swapped for
amount - coin amount that was swapped
rate - rate that order was placed at
total - total amount in swapped coin currency

Example response

   "total": 10.234

Cancel My Buy Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/buy/cancel


id - id of the buy order to cancel

Note: 'ok' response means attempt to cancel has been successfully lodged, the cancel request still may not succeed even though lodged if the buy process has already commenced


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred

Example response


Cancel My Buy Orders All


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/buy/cancel/all


coin - (optional) coin of the buy orders to cancel

Note: 'ok' response means attempt to cancel orders has been successfully lodged, the cancel requests still may not succeed even though lodged if the buy process has already commenced


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred

Example response


Cancel My Sell Order


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/sell/cancel


id - id of the sell order to cancel

Note: 'ok' response means attempt to cancel has been successfully lodged, the cancel request still may not succeed even though lodged if the sell process has already commenced


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred

Example response


Cancel My Sell Orders All


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/sell/cancel/all


coin - (optional) coin of the sell orders to cancel

Note: 'ok' response means attempt to cancel orders has been successfully lodged, the cancel requests still may not succeed even though lodged if the sell process has already commenced


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred

Example response


Get Coin Withdrawal Details
NOTE: ** This function must be ENABLED via the API key options available when logged in at https://www.coinspot.com.au/my/api


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/coin/withdraw/senddetails


cointype - coin short name you would like to withdraw, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
networks - list of available send networks

Example response

NOTE: network details are subject to change, please check occasionally

   "networks": [
	{ "network": "BNB", "paymentid": "no", "fee": 0.001, "minsend": 0.00001, default: false},
	{ "network": "BSC", "paymentid": "optional", "fee": 0.002, "minsend": 0.00001, default: false},
	{ "network": "ETH", "paymentid": "no", "fee":0.003, "minsend": 0.00001, default: true},

Coin Withdrawal
NOTE: ** This function must be ENABLED via the API key options available when logged in at https://www.coinspot.com.au/my/api


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2
Request /my/coin/withdraw/send


NOTE: for network and paymentid details please see 'Get Coin Withdrawal Details' above

cointype - coin short name you would like to withdraw, example values 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
amount - the amount (in coin currency) of coin you would like to withdraw
address - the destination address for the coin amount'
emailconfirm - (optional, default is 'NO') if 'YES' an email confirmation will be sent and withdraw will not complete until confirmation link within email is clicked, values: 'YES', 'NO'
network - (optional) - network you would like to send using e.g. 'BNB', 'ETH' - omit for 'default' network
paymentid - (optional) - the appropriate payment id/memo for the withdrawal where permitted


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred

Example response


Read Only API

We have a Read Only API available.
To use this API, you need to generate a Read Only API key from the settings page.

Important things to note about the read only API
All requests and responses will be JSON.
All requests will be made with the POST method.

The endpoint for the Read Only API is https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro

Read Only Status Check


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /status




status - ok

Example response


Open Market Orders


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /orders/market/open


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - (optional, available markets only)) market coin short name, example values 'AUD', 'USDT'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - list of top 20 open buy order rates for the given coin
sellorders - list of top 20 open sell orders rates for the given coin

Example response

         "market": "BTC/AUD"
         "market": "BTC/AUD"
         "market": "BTC/AUD"
         "market": "BTC/AUD"

Completed Market Orders


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /orders/market/completed


cointype - coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - (optional, available markets only)) market coin short name, example values 'AUD', 'USDT'
startdate - (optional, note: date is UTC date or UNIX EPOCH time) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or e.g. 1614824116
enddate - (optional, note: date is UTC date or UNIX EPOCH time) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or e.g. 1614824116
limit - (optional, default is 200 records, max is 500 records)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - list of top 100 completed buy orders for the given coin
sellorders - list of top 100 completed sell orders for the given coin

Example response

         "market": "BTC/AUD",
         "audfeeExGst": 0.123,
      	 "audGst": 0.0123,
      	 "audtotal": 100.00
         "market": "BTC/USDT",
         "audfeeExGst": 0.123,
      	 "audGst": 0.0123,
      	 "audtotal": 100.00
         "market": "BTC/AUD",
         "audfeeExGst": 0.123,
      	 "audGst": 0.0123,
      	 "audtotal": 100.00
         "market": "BTC/USDT",
         "audfeeExGst": 0.123,
      	 "audGst": 0.0123,
      	 "audtotal": 100.00

My Coin Balances


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/balances




status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
balances - array containing one object for each coin with your balance, AUD value and rate for that coin

Example response


My Coin Balance (Available)


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/balance/{cointype}?available={yes/no}


cointype - coin short name, example value 'AUD', 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
available - 'yes' or 'no', yes to return available balance in addition to actual balance


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
balance - object containing property with your actual/available balance, AUD value (actual balance) and rate for that coin

(note: available balance will be included in response if available option is set to 'yes')

Example response

         "available": 0.99999,
         "audbalance": 222.22,
         "rate": 1.11111

My Open Market Orders


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/orders/market/open


cointype - (optional) coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - (optional) market coin short name, example value 'USDT', 'AUD'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - array containing your open buy orders
sellorders - array containing your open sell orders

Example response

         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",

My Open Limit Orders


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/orders/limit/open


cointype - (optional) coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - array containing your open buy orders
sellorders - array containing your open sell orders

Example response

         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
         "coin": "STRAT",
         "rate": 111.111
         "type": "buy stop"
         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
         "coin": "STRAT",
         "rate": 111.111
         "type": "buy limit"
         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
         "coin": "STRAT",
         "rate": 111.111
         "type": "stop loss"
         "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
         "coin": "STRAT",
         "rate": 111.111
         "type": "take profit"

My Order History


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/orders/completed


cointype - (optional) coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - (optional, available markets only) market coin short name, example values 'AUD', 'USDT'
startdate - (optional, note: date is UTC date or UNIX EPOCH time) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or e.g. 1614824116
enddate - (optional, note: date is UTC date or UNIX EPOCH time) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or e.g. 1614824116
limit - (optional, default is 200 records, max is 500 records)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - array containing your buy order history
sellorders - array containing your sell order history

Example response

      	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
    	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
      	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
      	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",

My Market Order History


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/orders/market/completed


cointype - (optional) coin short name, example value 'BTC', 'LTC', 'DOGE'
markettype - (optional, available markets only) market coin short name, example values 'AUD', 'USDT'
startdate - (optional, note: date is UTC date or UNIX EPOCH time) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or e.g. 1614824116
enddate - (optional, note: date is UTC date or UNIX EPOCH time) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or e.g. 1614824116
limit - (optional, default is 200 records, max is 500 records)


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
buyorders - array containing your buy order history
sellorders - array containing your sell order history

Example response

      	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
      	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
      	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",
      	 "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d",

My Send & Receive History


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/sendreceive


startdate - (optional) format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
enddate - (optional) format 'YYYY-MM-DD'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
sendtransactions - array containing your coin send transaction history
receivetransactions - array containing your coin receive transaction history

Example response

         "aud": 0.123,
         "aud": 0,
         "aud": 0.123,
         "from": "rKPEmdyitW5Lm7VhFDxDgMjEvUF7kqcEgj"
         "aud": 0,
         "from": "user@domain.com"

My Deposit History


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/deposits


startdate - (optional) format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
enddate - (optional) format 'YYYY-MM-DD'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
deposits - array containing your AUD deposit history

Example response


My Withdrawal History


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/withdrawals


startdate - (optional) format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
enddate - (optional) format 'YYYY-MM-DD'


status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
withdrawals - array containing your AUD withdrawal history

Example response


My Affiliate Payments


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/affiliatepayments




status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
payments - array containing one object for each completed affiliate payment

Example response


My Referral Payments


Root: https://www.coinspot.com.au/api/v2/ro
Request /my/referralpayments




status - ok, error
message - ok, description of error if error occurred
payments - array containing one object for each completed referral payment

Example response
